Get paid weekly, fortnightly or monthly, according to what suits your individual employee needs, at no extra cost to the company.
Give your employees the freedom of financial wellness. Let employees build payday around their life, not their life around payday.
Jessica, a Woodies Colleague who changed to weekly pay in 2019 with Flexiwage. She didn't know herself at Christmas, when it was the first year in her life, she wasn't under serious financial pressure. When January rolled around, it was the gift that keeps giving, in that, for the first time in her life, she wasn't struggling for the 5 week month, with no money, and credit card payments due out.
Stepping back and looking at how it's impacted her life, Jessica says, it's hard to overstate the value. There are 5 in our house, and it's much easier to stretch for 2-3 days when funds are tight, then for 2-3 weeks. Removing the financial strain and burden, has meant I enjoyed Christmas properly for the first time ever.